
Menampilkan postingan dari Desember, 2018

My Goal My Target

     So here I am again, in this dusty blog of mine haha. I have this blog for forever I think, and as time passes by I never felt like I should use this blog, because I've never been good with writing and story telling. But as time passes by and I've seen many many videos about the ancient civilization and how no one know about them simply because they never write, and just a tid bit of writing can help us knowing about them. So you see writing is IMPORTANT, it's like evidence that you ever lived, that you had done this and that, and it's the way we passe our knowledge to the next generation.     Another reason for me to write is, I want to be productive in my live, I want this to become my routine, because there is a saying that 'Human can't live without a routine, they'll be crazy without it' and yes I've been crazy because there are no routine in my life, although I admit that yes there is a routine actually, but it's a bad routine, a thing