My Goal My Target

     So here I am again, in this dusty blog of mine haha. I have this blog for forever I think, and as time passes by I never felt like I should use this blog, because I've never been good with writing and story telling. But as time passes by and I've seen many many videos about the ancient civilization and how no one know about them simply because they never write, and just a tid bit of writing can help us knowing about them. So you see writing is IMPORTANT, it's like evidence that you ever lived, that you had done this and that, and it's the way we passe our knowledge to the next generation.
    Another reason for me to write is, I want to be productive in my live, I want this to become my routine, because there is a saying that 'Human can't live without a routine, they'll be crazy without it' and yes I've been crazy because there are no routine in my life, although I admit that yes there is a routine actually, but it's a bad routine, a thing that I don't want my kid to do so I have to get rid of it before I get married right ? and this is my escape. Why don't I just write in my journal ? I don't know honestly, sometimes I feel like I want people to know what I thought, and by writing in this blog and there is a tiny winy little bit chance that people will read this make me happy, and by having blog itself make me happy actually. Why don't I just tell other people my feeling ? It's because usually when I say it outloud what my vision or my goal is, I felt like I'm not serious about it, and usually it fall short after that. So yeah it's my sweet escape. Actually I'm just gonna write personal thing in here, thing that matter only to me, what my vision of the world, what I think abut certain matter and so on, and I will try to write in english only so pray for me yeah.
    Sooooo let's get to the point, 2018 will and soon in 6 day (OMFG I JUST REALIZE) and 2019 will come, AND I WILL BE 20 y.o IN 2019, how terrifying that thought is for me. Like i see many people in their 20 already making money or at least doing something for their life or for others, but not with me, right now I feel like a fail human, because the only thing that I'm good at is studying (but who am I kidding, am not the smartest in class now), and I'm having a flop too in that aspect so I have resolution for 2019. My resolution is :

  1. Fast response in Line (whether it's personal chat or group chat)
  2. Writing in this blog at least 5 times a week
  3. Writing in the other blog at least once a week
  4. Learning korean EVERYDAY 
  5. Learn to write beautifully (like calighraphy and the likes)
That's it :). For whoever miraculously stumble to this blog and at the age 19 still feeling lost, you can try making resolution like this, there's nothing wrong with making resolution contrary to what the internet believe, let's build ur life together wondering soul :).
2019 HERE I COME  


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