
Menampilkan postingan dari 2019


Is it wrong to become ambitious ? The answer is no. BUT in today society you will be ‘a little bit’ shunned out because of that. For so long I’ve always felt wrong about myself because I always have this big dream about myself and about the world (and that’s the reason why I sometimes don’t care about little thing in life, I know that’s wrong), that we are not supposed to think about petite thing and that we should have a goals in life and we must pursue it. But you will find in today society or at least in the teens society, many of them will tell you to just take it slow, don’t take studying too seriously, have fun, and in the end it all will make you feel like a fool and a freak for having an ambition. I think that’s wrong everybody. For whoever you are that are having ambitions about something, e.g wanting to be a scientist, wanting to be a writer ect, just pursue it, write a lot, study a lot and do the thing that will make you feel like you will reach your dream someday. Becau

Living your Life

So here is the thing, I'm not a very productive person, but I'm a very competitive person. I mean I voluntarily compare myself to someone whose better then me and then making myself feeling like shit in the end VOLUNTARILY, may I add.       But I'm soooo happy this day because finally I can be at least become a fraction of person that I want to become. Because first I'm having this project with my friends and we get to do it when the holiday start approximately from two weeks a go, and I'M NOT DITCHING IT, although I sometime am being lazy and making my friend annoyed, but that's an improvement from me. Because if you ask something like that from me in junior high or in senior high, I will say fuck it, and then ditch it  for something unimportant and feel miserable in the end, but now I'm not, so yeah I'm a little bit happy with myself now and kind of not really hating myself, so I hope people do that too *wink.      Another thing that's making me