
Is it wrong to become ambitious ? The answer is no. BUT in today society you will be ‘a little bit’ shunned out because of that. For so long I’ve always felt wrong about myself because I always have this big dream about myself and about the world (and that’s the reason why I sometimes don’t care about little thing in life, I know that’s wrong), that we are not supposed to think about petite thing and that we should have a goals in life and we must pursue it. But you will find in today society or at least in the teens society, many of them will tell you to just take it slow, don’t take studying too seriously, have fun, and in the end it all will make you feel like a fool and a freak for having an ambition.
I think that’s wrong everybody. For whoever you are that are having ambitions about something, e.g wanting to be a scientist, wanting to be a writer ect, just pursue it, write a lot, study a lot and do the thing that will make you feel like you will reach your dream someday. Because you know reaching your dream is not leasure walk, it will be filled with many many obstacle, so you have to prepare it, don’t make other deter you with them saying ‘wah ngambis euy’ and other saying, i know it can be hard letting people see and know that you are pursuing hard for something and it can put you in a high pedestal in their eyes but THAT’S OKAY. That’s one of the early obstacle in reaching your dream that you have to overcome,  and there will be more of it in the future so just embrace it and go for your dream. Because when will you reach your dream if a small saying from others make you afraid of pursuing it, when will you make a way for your dream if you are not able to make a foundation in your early life, there are some people that are lucky to be succesful and achieve their dreams without doing much, BUT many people are not that lucky, so don’t hang you dream on a mere luck, you have to work hard for it (and with allah help) make it come true, and by not minding what other people say about you working hard is one way to make it come true.
There is a saying that ‘there are many people who dreams, but only some of them making it come true’ it’s a proof that yes achieving your dream is not a walk in the park, it’s gruesome walk, and with this onestep, you will feel it too, how others will see you in different light, how MAYBE they will treat you differently and so on. But that’s okay, just keep pursue you dream, but remember not to step on other people in doing that and you will be fine.
The problem with me, and the reason that I just realized it now (AFTER 19 YEARS OF LIVING DAMN IT) is because I have always been bad with socialization, making me feel like out of place and this ambitions of mine making it worse by making me feel different with other chilled people, and other poeple sometimes treat me different too. So then I think that I have to get rid of this ambitions and just become like everyone else, not taking studying seriously and so on (WHAT A DUMB THING TO DO), BUT NOOO, that’s just not me and that’s making me felt unhappy, because I’m a girl that has to life for something, fo a goal to reach, so for studying I have to AT LEAST understand what I do and ecxel at it (the next step is applying it, BUT IT’S HARD DAMNIT 😱). So now I’m just saying fuck it, and pursue my dream that will make me happy, because what they say won’t affect me in the future and I’m the one that determine the future (and with the permission of allah of course) so why should I stop myself studying more just because they say ‘wah si risyda mah ngambis euy’ like is that gonna affect my future ? because no bitch, like I have to slap myself for thinking that it gonna effect me in the long term at all.
And another things to note, teens this day tend to shy away from being a leader is because of this too  (at least that’s what) aside from being a leader is hard, because we are too used to just having fun, and not having any goal in what we do or the likes. And that’s it today, in conlusion :
“Be ambitious but don’t forget to enjoy you life”
-          Best regard Risyda (2018) -


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