Living your Life

So here is the thing, I'm not a very productive person, but I'm a very competitive person. I mean I voluntarily compare myself to someone whose better then me and then making myself feeling like shit in the end VOLUNTARILY, may I add.
      But I'm soooo happy this day because finally I can be at least become a fraction of person that I want to become. Because first I'm having this project with my friends and we get to do it when the holiday start approximately from two weeks a go, and I'M NOT DITCHING IT, although I sometime am being lazy and making my friend annoyed, but that's an improvement from me. Because if you ask something like that from me in junior high or in senior high, I will say fuck it, and then ditch it  for something unimportant and feel miserable in the end, but now I'm not, so yeah I'm a little bit happy with myself now and kind of not really hating myself, so I hope people do that too *wink.
     Another thing that's making me happy is that, I FINALLY make my dream come true, and I believe this is the start of me slowly making all my dreams come true. So the story is I'm in this organization in college, and in January, my seniors has to retire from that organization to focus more on their study of course, but because I dear them so much I want to make some memorabilia for them, and for thanking them for all the experience. SO I though why don't I make a video, I mean that's the most touching but cheapest thing to give to them, but the I'm not an expert at making video and furthermore the date they retire was a week after final semester exam (the first week in holiday time), so technically I only got one week at that time because I only got this idea one week before the exam, so with all my experiment report and early final exam for some subject that week I can't do anything, heck I haven't even download the right app for me.
   And the time just pass like that, with me being tired and busy to do that project, and their retirement time just came slap me in my face, and I'm so fucked because I haven't done anything. I've download vegas pro 16 at that time, and that fucking thing didn't work properly, it has some watermark when I used the effect, like it ruined every sentiment in that fucking video, and I even just put 3 pictures together, but I can't continue because I cringe at that watermark. So my plan to give it to my senior right after the retirement go down the drain, because I HAVEN'T STARTED ANYTHING. But then gladly my friend from the same organization helped me brew out the idea, because it's their dream true, and I've already voluntarily told them that I will do it, and I know I just have to fucking do it. Because if not I will be feeling like the most useless human being on earth.
  So after that my resolution was settled, I began searching for the right app, and thank God I found Adobe premiere pro, and it works really well, and so I began scrapping my brain. BUT remember when I said that I had a project with my friend in holiday ? turns out that project is tiring me out most day so I can't make the video. One week pass I only made a 5 second video, and almost two week pass, but then in the second week of holiday at Saturday I find my resolution that I had to do the video. THEN SURPRISINGLY I DID, I teach myself from scratch, I push my brain to not whine of how tired I'm, and finally it's done at sunday morning for the most part and I just have to tweak some part and it was done at suday evening. And I'm super happy and ecstated that I can share to my seniors and make them happy.
    It's only one simple thing, and maybe for other people it's nothing unusual, especially for them whose always pushing their boundary and limit. But for me It's not something usual, it's very rare for me to make my dreams and ideas to come true, usually it was just a bunch of ideas that left unattended, but this time I make it true, not disappoint myself and others, and the it left me feeling so happy. So I hope this will be one of my many dreams that will come true, because then I know I can make it true.
   If anyone is reading to this end. Congratulation for reading all my rant, and together let's make a small step to make our dreams come true, and make our life the one that we want. Feel free to share your feelings and experience in the comment.


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